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May 1, 2010

Paine Family Sneak Peek │Ottawa Kansas Photographer

I've known the Paine's for several years and just love them to death. In fact, I've already photographed a couple of them here and here. So when Paula asked me to photograph her extended family while they were in town, I didn't even have to think twice.

Despite my nerves over coordinating 14 people, they made it super easy by looking super good. I was surprised to learn they come from so many different places; Thailand all the way to South Carolina and in between. You know with such a diverse family, you're going to have a good time.

Here is a sneak peek for Paula and her awesome family. (it was really hard to pick for this preview!!)

paine shoot

paine shoot

paine shoot

paine shoot

paine shoot

The rest are coming guys! Thanks for a fun afternoon...I had a great time getting to know you all a bit. It was an honor to photograph your beautiful family.


all content copyright 2010 carrie evans photography...please don't steal. It makes me sad.

Modified by Vin