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July 27, 2009

Some Fun In Colorado │Ottawa Kansas Photographer

I haven't updated for awhile, so I thought I would post a few photos I really love from our recent vacation to Colorado Springs.

The Cuteness was cute, even in Colorado.

I worked up the nerve to ask to take Christina's photo when she was visiting. Believe it or not, this is way out of my comfort zone. Usually people ask me to take their picture and I'm always seeing people I want to shoot and hardly ever ask. I'm glad I did.

Another thing I rarely get the chance to shoot is rain. It's not like I'm going to take my camera out in it, and the awning on the porch allowed for this great suspended shot of the rainfall.

And our gracious host, Dianne. She's a photogapher too, so we took turns shooting each other one morning and it was hard on both of us to be on the other side of the lens. She did a great job!


Unknown said...

how is it that the cuteness could possibly be THAT cute?!?! seriously, carrie? how many people stop you to gush over him?

all content copyright 2010 carrie evans photography...please don't steal. It makes me sad.

Modified by Vin